My Mission: To Touch As Many Lives As I Can So As To Bring More Love, Hope And Joy To The World!

Posts from — May 2012

NEW Video: Expanding Your Emotional Range

Have you ever wondered how to end self-sabotage?

I mean, how do you change those habits and behaviors that you know won't support you and how do you move out of feeling stuck?

Christian Pankhurst, the Heart Intelligence guy, has a pretty fascinating approach called “Expanding Your Emotional Range” where, through embodying and claiming your shadow, you can claim deeper authenticity and more fearless self-expression!

NEW Video: Expanding Your Emotional Range

Click here to watch the NEW video for FREE now

In this new video, you will learn:

– The power of embodiment and why changing your beliefs won't work
– Embracing ALL your emotions and accessing the fuel within them
– Turning your shadow into your greatest gift
– Disarming your neuro-energetic defense mechanism
– How to Expand Your Emotional Range, safely and enjoyably.

Click here to watch the NEW video for FREE now

May 18, 2012   No Comments