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Life Directions Intensive Day 1

T. Harv Eker
I just came back from Day 1 of T. Harv Eker‘s Life Directions and I'm so excited to share what I have learnt with all of you! Day 1 was a blast… It was a roller coaster ride of emotions… Now, as Harv puts it, the best way to really learn something is to teach someone about it so let's get on with the teaching/learning shall we?

In the morning and most parts of the afternoon, we did a lot of processing. Rob, Harv's “right hand man” and an excellent trainer made use of NLP to help us get into a relaxed state and assess memories so that we could start clearing our blockages. I liked the way Rob defined “Clarity”. He said that Clarity is the lack of obstacles/blocks. Such a simple definition but if you think a little deeper, isn't that what we are all seeking for?

Anyway, the fun part came in the evening when we were made to separate into groups of 5 to play a very interesting game. Now, I would love to tell you more about the game but I think it's only fair that I leave out the juicy details because I don't want to take away the experience from you in case you were thinking of attending Life Direction Intensive. Instead, let me just summarize the stuff I learnt today.

1) I am important and so are you. We were put on this earth for a specific reason. Some people go through their whole lives without bothering or finding out their life purpose and they die in regret. Is that what you want? Well, it's certainly not what I want. Harv promised that we would be able to crystallize our life purpose tomorrow (Day 2). I'll keep you guys updated.

2) Logic won't save your life. Speaking from your heart and believing it will. Start doing that and you will begin to notice massive changes!

3) Here are some excellent quotes from the seminar. They really make you ponder…

“If what you have been looking for is where you have been looking for it, chances are you'd have already found it by now!”

“Look from within, not from without”

“How you do anything is how you do everything”

“Only when you try it on and feel it, then will you know if it fits you”

“It's your life… not theirs!”

“Swim with the current, not against it”

“Your natural gifts are god's gift to you. Using them is your gift to god”

“Focus on what you want, not on what you don't want” (Law of Attraction)

“That which you are seeking is causing you to seek”

“You can either affect people or infect people. It's your choice”.

Great quotes and insights huh?

Well, I had a lot of fun and I met a lot of cool people… Sharon, Dennis, Gary, Mew… in case you stumbled on my blog, Thanks Guys! You were awesome =D

Ok, I need to go rest now. It's going to be another long day tomorrow starting from 830am. Do check back tomorrow for my updates. Cheers!

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February 1, 2008   3 Comments