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Posts from — July 2011

Creating the Life You Desire Through Gratitude

Creating the Life You Desire Through Gratitude
Photo by vistamommy

If someone were to ask you all of the things you wish would change in your life, you’d probably be able to list, in detail, exactly what needs to be tweaked or completely overhauled. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing – in fact, having a clear picture of what isn’t working gets you closer to envisioning your perfect life.

But, if someone asked you to list in just as much detail what you currently have in your life that you are grateful for, would it be as easy? Or would it take you a little while?

When it comes to fully implementing the Law of Attraction principles and actually seeing results, many people are missing one important step: practicing gratitude on a daily basis.

Take a few moments to conjure up a list of things you are grateful for. It doesn’t have to be anything huge, it could be something as simple as “I’m grateful that I woke up feeling rested today.” No matter the current state of your life, there is ALWAYS something to be grateful for.

Sit with the feeling of gratitude and notice how your mood shifts. Continue the practice until you feel as if you are better place than when you started. Now recognize how powerful it would be if you took the time to do this every day. The results could be profound, don’t you think?

If you are familiar with the Law of Attraction, then you know that like attracts like. If you are feeling grateful for what is already in your experience and you allow yourself to be uplifted by this, then you are actually telling the Universe that you are open to accepting more things to be grateful for.

When things are bad, you might be tempted to wallow in all the things that your current experience is lacking. Unfortunately, according to the Law of Attraction, this means you’ll simply get more of what you are feeling: lack.

So what seems like the better plan – shifting your attention to what you have or only noticing what you don’t?

Here are a few simple steps to get you started with your own gratitude practice:

Start and End Your Day with Gratitude

Before your feet hit the ground in the morning and before you close your eyes at night, think of what you have to be grateful for. This is especially powerful if you’ve had a rotten day that seems to have no bright spots at all. You’d be surprised what you can come up with.

Create a Gratitude Journal

Start a journal where you can keep an ongoing list of all the things you are grateful for. That way, when you do have a horrible day, you can refer back to your list and immediately brighten your mood – even if it’s just a little bit.

Set an Intention

Set an intention to find five new things to be grateful for before lunchtime today. Then increase the number to ten. Then twenty. By making a conscious effort to see the world in a new light, you will start attracting more positive situations and people into your experience.

Notice the Changes

Make sure to notice all the things that change in your life as a result of creating a gratitude practice. Maybe you are able to change a negative relationship you have with coworker simply because you begin to recognize what they were bringing to the table. Anything you notice – small or big – should be noted. You’ll feel empowered when you see how you were able to make these changes.

What are five things you are grateful for today? I’d love to hear your thoughts.


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This article was contributed by Kayla Albert, a freelance writer in the midst of starting her own web copywriting business. She is dedicated to living life deliberately and has a deep interest in all things personal growth. You can find her here:

July 15, 2011   No Comments