My Mission: To Touch As Many Lives As I Can So As To Bring More Love, Hope And Joy To The World!

Posts from — January 2012

The Top 3 Things to Create Your Ideal Body

Create Your Ideal Body

Congratulations on choosing to move down the path to a healthier, sexier body!

You may be thinking, “But I haven't even started yet!”

And yet you have…

Because guess what?

You already have the first (and most important) of the top 3 resources you need to create your ideal body.

For that matter, you already have your ideal body! You really do. And once you align all the parts of your life, the reality of your beautiful, healthy body can be revealed. When you get your body, soul and spirit into healthy alignment, the rest falls cleanly away.

1. The Power of Your Mind

Your mind – the way you think about things – creates the foundation for all of the life change you have ever been through or will ever face. You may not have control over circumstances (for example, you were born to particular parents, live in a particular place, and so on) but you can always have control over your mind.

Don't ever give that up! Don't ever relinquish your most powerful life tool!

Instead, make a conscious decision to use it – and use it well – to create the body and life you were born to have.

Take a moment to consider the silent messages you've been sending yourself about your body.

o What do you believe about yourself?

o What are the thoughts that you have when thinking about losing weight?

o Where is your energy focused?

When your thinking becomes positively aligned with what you desire, your actions will come from a place of high inspiration, and your results will naturally flow into being.

By working with your feelings, thoughts, and intentions, you can become a master creator, regardless of your past, regardless of your age, regardless of the special challenges you face.

Once you begin to link your thoughts intentionally to the unlimited wellbeing of your ideal body, you are going to begin to create it.

2. A Plan to Fuel Your Body

It doesn't matter whether you've just had a baby, or whether you've carried extra weight your entire life. The only thing that matters is what you plan to do from this moment forward. Set your thoughts on your ideal body, and sit down with a pencil and paper to plan out your new, healthier diet. It doesn't have to be complicated! In fact, you can get a long way down the road with these 3 simple starting points…

No more white stuff!

This is probably the easiest, most comprehensive way to get started fueling your body in a healthy way. White bread, white pasta, white sugar, pastries, white flour. All the good nutritive value is gone, and these foods are left with little to offer your ideal body except fast-acting sugars.

Eat more meals

That sounds pretty exciting, doesn't it? You really can and should eat 5 to 6 small meals throughout the day to regulate the chemicals that run your body. Don't skip breakfast, and don't load yourself up with a massive evening meal. The key to creating your ideal body is to add fuel in the smartest, most useful way possible.

One third protein, one third veggie, one third carbs

Planning your meals and snacks in this simple ratio will completely shift your body fuel for the better. Stop counting calories, stop worrying about finding fat-free foods, just start here and you'll see results even before you add the third tool (see below!) to the mix.

3. Movement!

You don't have to become a gym rat in order to add movement and exercise to the plan to create your ideal body. But you may find that this part of getting healthy is much easier than you anticipated!

Want to know the reason for that?

It's because our bodies were just made to move.

When's the last time you saw a little child sit perfectly still? : ) Children are forever dancing, kung fu-ing, and generally moving quickly and continuously until they sink into bed (over protests!) at night.

This is our body's natural state of wellbeing.

Movement begins simply, and doesn't require any expensive equipment. How many children do you see who need a giant piece of complex weightlifting equipment in their garage?

Part of moving toward your healthier, sexier you is getting your mindset right, as you saw in the first point above. When negative beliefs and fears about moving around – even taking a walk around the block – weigh us down, they literally weigh us down. You want to mentally release that weight, so that the pounds will melt away!

When you try to lose weight or heal your body from the outside-in (taking medicine, getting surgery, etc.), it just doesn't stick. Creating your ideal body is about shifting to an inside-out approach.

This is about getting into alignment with the truth – the way you were born and the way you were intended to be, and it's an integral part of every segment of your life.


As you can see, creating your ideal body isn’t terribly complicated or hard. In fact, the hardest part is simply ‘shifting’ our mindset (retraining our brains).

As I’m sure you know by now, most diets focus on what you should and shouldn’t do. Eat this, don’t eat that. Workout like this, don’t workout like that.

And you know what, that’s all fine and dandy (if you can actually do it consistently).

But you know as well as I do that knowing what to do and actually doing it, are two totally different things.

This is why the Ideal Body System doesn’t focus on restricting yourself and forcing yourself to do things that you don’t want to do. Because forcing yourself to do things, will never work in the long wrong. Ever!

The Ideal Body System instead focuses on your thoughts, your mind, and how you relate to working out, eating healthy foods, and being healthy.

The Ideal Body System is all about retraining your brain so that you “WANT” to move your body more, so that you “WANT” to eat healthier, so that you “WANT” to be healthy.

You see, once you retrain your brain to “WANT” all of these things, you know longer struggle to do them.

That’s the magic bullet.

Creating your ideal body shouldn’t be about struggling, fighting, trying, and forcing yourself to do things you don’t want to do. It should be fun, easy, and natural.

And it can be. I promise.

Go here and grab your copy of the Ideal Body System today, and let me prove to you that this will be the last weight release program you’ll ever need.

Your ideal body coach,

Christy Whitman
Creator, Ideal Body System

Learn more about my Ideal Body System at:

About the Author:

Christy Whitman is an in-demand coach, transformational leader and has helped hundreds of men and women create their ideal bodies.

Christy had issues with her self image and body image all her life. She went from being bulimic as a young adult, to trying almost every fad diet out there, spending hundreds of dollars on programs that always resulted in her gaining the weight back, until she found the information that led her to create and maintain her ideal body for years.

She was a size four until the birth of her first baby. Within five months she was back to her ideal body until she became pregnant with her second son. Applying the information she teaches she returned back to her ideal body with four months without being on a restricted diet.

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January 25, 2012   3 Comments