How you can begin to attract more opportunities into your life
Before we dive into the topic for today, I would greatly appreciate if you could watch this short video clip and follow the instructions given carefully. I promise that it will be a fun and interesting activity!
Have you watched the video yet?
Please do, because the video is pertinent to and very important for our discussion today. Do not continue reading what I am about to share with you until you have finished watching the video.
Now, let's recap what you were asked to do at the beginning of the video. It appears to be pretty simple – count the number of passes of the ball between the players in the black shirts. How many passes did you managed to catch? 15? 16? 17?
If you were following the instructions properly, you should have a number between 10 and 20.
You would also most likely miss the woman with the umbrella!
Why is that so?
Well, the mind is a very interesting and powerful thing. It only sees what you instruct it to see and blocks out everything else. Putting it another way, what you choose to focus on is what you get!
Have you ever noticed that people who always complain about everything that's going wrong with their lives only get more problems? That's because these people focus on problems!
The Secret (aka Law of Attraction) states that you attract into your life the predominant thoughts in your mind. If you choose to complain and focus on problems, that's what you get! More and more of them! You will miss out on all the wonderful opportunities out there, just like how you missed the woman with the umbrella!
Fortunately, it works both ways. If you choose to focus and look out for opportunities, you will see them everywhere!
Go ahead, quit complaining. Focus on what you are grateful for everyday. You will notice a dramatic change in your life. You will start to attract all the good things you ever dreamt about.
Don't believe me? Ask the woman with the umbrella!
Recommended Law Of Attraction Resource For a Great 2009
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August 7, 2007 27 Comments