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7 Great Life Lessons I Learned From Kung Fu Panda

Kung Fu PandaSo… I finally caught Kung Fu Panda yesterday after hearing all the raving reviews about the movie.

And boy am I glad I did!


Because there were so many great life lessons embedded in the movie!

Here are those I caught… Feel free to leave a comment to add on… (To avoid spoilers, I did not elaborate on the points)

1) You can be the Unlikely Hero

2) Don't be afraid to pursue your dreams

3) There is no secret…

4) You just have to believe in yourself…

5) Even if nobody else believes in you…

6) Don't impose your expectations and values on others

7) Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today? Today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present

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June 20, 2008   6 Comments